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Welcome to Acorn


We have an exciting year planned with a range of opportunities ahead to support your child’s learning. We will be working on relevant life skills needed to become more confident and independent. We have a set structured daily routine with hands on learning and 1:1 tuition in phonics, numbers and speech and language. Acorn class has a wonderful outside area for learning and play with an enthusiastic staff to help every step of the way. Your child will be in an enriching and supportive learning environment that focusses on both academic growth and emotional well-being.

We have PE on Tuesday and Friday, plus daily yoga, and team up with Oak class for cookery and music every week.

We will regularly keep in contact with Class Dojo but please feel free to talk to us at the end of the school day.

Acorn class teacher

Miss C.Pykett       

Acorn teaching assistants

Mrs H Panter

Mrs H Peel-Cross

Miss M McCullouch

Mrs Hewitt

How to support your child at home:

  • Read bedtime stories
  • Talk about the story of your child's day – what they have been doing, what was the best part of the day.