Vision & Values
Our Vision
Our Vision is of an inclusive, happy and successful school at the heart of the local community. Together, our families and staff help our children to become confident, independent learners that care for themselves, each other, and the surrounding environment. Be brilliant, be bold, be kind, and together we will believe, learn and achieve.
Our vision draws inspiration from the story of Jesus and the Fishermen which is found in the New Testament Luke 5:1-11 Matthew 4:18 -22:
- Jesus was standing by the Sea of Galilee preaching to the crowd. He saw two boats on the sea shore. He recognised Simon and his brother Andrew. He asked Simon if he could get into his boat so that he could talk to the crowd of people from the boat.
- When Jesus had finished teaching he told Simon to put his nets into the water to try to catch some fish. Simon had been fishing all night and had not caught any fish, but he believed in Jesus and put the net into the water.
- The net became so full of fish that it began to break. Simon and Andrew had to call their friends, the brothers James and John to help.
- Simon was afraid and fell at Jesus’ feet. Jesus told the friends not be afraid and to follow him. He said that they would become fishers of men. When Simon and the other men heard this they moored their boats and left everything they had to follow him, and together they became Jesus’ disciples.
The disciples believed in Jesus and left everything to go with him and learn to follow his path. Together they achieved great things, as the message of the good news of the Kingdom of God is still told over 2000 years later.
At Marlborough St Mary’s School, we value teamwork and believe that by working together everyone can develop to the best of their ability. Our inclusive ethos and Christian values of love, respect, friendship, courage, fairness and perseverance underpin everything we do. St Mary’s Church and Marlborough St Mary’s School serve a very diverse community, but we believe that by working and worshipping together we can enable everyone to achieve great things.

Our Values
Our six values are: Respect, Friendship, Courage, Perseverance, Fairness and Love.
We focus on one value each term.
Term 1 Fairness
Our behaviour system of restorative practice is based on fairness and justice. At the end of term 1, we celebrate Harvest and think about a fairer world where the good things we have can be shared with others.
Term 2 Respect
Mutual respect is shown throughout the school, to all and by all. As we build up to the season of Christmas, we think about the respect shown to the child Jesus by those who went to see him and by future generations through the ages. In this term we also show respect to those who lost their lives for our freedom through our Remembrance Services.
Term 3 Friendship
Friendship is a big part of school. We help each other and remember that Jesus is our friend and is always there for us.
Term 4 Love
In term 4 we think about the great love that Jesus showed for us at Easter. We re-enact the Easter story and we remember Jesus’ words “Love one another as I have loved you.” In our school we recognise the diversity and inclusivity of love around the world.
Term 5 Perseverance
As we work towards the SATs tests at the end of the term, we know that we have to persevere and make the most of the wonderful gifts and talents given to us by God.
Term 6 Courage
In term 6 we all need courage as we prepare to move to new schools and new classes. We are inspired by the example shown by Jesus, who showed great courage throughout his life. We discuss courageous advocacy and how we can stand up for what is right in our world.