Swallowtail and Dragonfly
Welcome to Year 3!
We have an exciting year planned with a range of opportunities ahead to support our learning. This year, we'll be exploring the enchanting worlds of literature and these captivating stories will not only ignite your child's imagination but also encourage a love for reading and a lifelong appreciation of literature.
We will be going on an expedition to Savernake Forest and to Stonebridge Water Meadows later in the year to look at the magnificent oak trees and life cycles and habitats of creatures in our local river.
We will regularly keep in contact by Class Dojo and please feel free to talk to us at the end of the school day, our doors are always open!
Our wonderful Year 3 teaching team:
Dragonfly – Mrs Pawlaczek (teacher)
Swallowtail – Mr West (teacher)
PE days:
Please send your child in prepared for PE on the following days –
Dragonfly – Tuesday and Friday
Swallowtail – Tuesday and Friday
Terms 5 & 6 - Tuesday (outdoors) and Friday (Swimming)
In year 3, we expect every child to read at home 3 times a week (research shows this frequency makes the most impact). This can be a mixture of the school reading books that are sent home and reading for pleasure. If your child is reading a recipe whilst helping you cook, or instructions on how to play a game, it is all reading, so mark it down on Learning with Parents website. It is expected that 15 minutes of times table practice is carried out at home each week on TTRockstars. Every child will have their login in the front of their reading records. If you are experiencing difficulty in accessing the site, please bring your device into school and let our IT expert help you out.
Please see below for our knowledge organisers for the term.