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Fox and Badger


Dear Parents and Carers,

We are thrilled to welcome your child to Year 2, where we have an exciting year ahead filled with wonderful learning opportunities. Our aim is to support your child's growth and development throughout the year. Here's a glimpse of what's in store:

Exploration and Adventure:

  • We have planned an exciting forest expedition, allowing your child to connect with nature and explore the outdoors.
  • Later in the year, we'll take a journey back in time to experience life aboard the SS Great Britain, uncovering history along the way.
  • And of course, your child will have the chance to shine as they lead our enchanting nativity performance in December.

Year 2 Teaching Team: Meet our dedicated teaching team:

  • Fox Class: Mrs. Stevens and Mrs. Rigby (teachers) and Mrs. Munday and Mrs. Hopkins (teaching assistants)
  • Badger Class: Mrs. Gisbourne and Mr. Ferris (teachers) and Mrs. Pedley(teaching assistant)

PE Days: Please ensure your child comes to school prepared for PE on the following days:

  • Fox Class:  Tuesday (outdoors) and Wednesday (indoors)
  • Badger Class: Tuesday (outdoors) and Wednesday (indoors)

Homework: In Year 2, we believe that consistent reading is key to your child's development.  This forms the main part of our homework in Year 2.

  • Your child should read at least 5 times a week. Reading books can be changed as needed, but please make sure your child reads each book at least twice and discusses it with you.  You should record all reading at home on the Learning with Parents reading log -  Please let us know if you have not received an invitation to join.
  • We will provide a list of phonics video links each week. Encourage your child to watch their group's videos to support their in-class learning.
  • For maths homework, the children use Numbots, an engaging platform that adapts as your child progresses.  Their target is 30 minutes of Numbots practise per week to enhance their number fluency skills.

We are here to support your child's learning journey, and communication is important to us. We will keep in touch through Class Dojo, and you are always welcome to talk to us at the start and end of the school day.

We look forward to a fantastic year of growth, discovery, and achievement in Year 2.


Please see below for our knowledge organisers for the term.