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Welcome to the wonderful world of Science at Marlborough St Mary's Primary School, where we celebrate Talk, Read, Pride, and Marlborough as our four key areas!

In our science classes, we love to talk and share our thoughts. We discuss our experiments, observations, and what we've learned. Talking helps us understand science better and learn from each other.

We read amazing books and stories about science, expanding our vocabulary and mastering phonics. Learning new words and sounds makes science even more exciting!

We take great pride in our science work! We work hard and put in our best effort in every experiment and activity. We celebrate our achievements, big or small, and we believe in ourselves as young scientists.

At Marlborough St Mary's, we believe in being a community and belonging to something special. We support each other, care for our environment, and learn together. We are proud to be part of Marlborough!

Our vision is to have an inclusive, happy, and successful school at the heart of our local community. Together, our families and staff help our children become confident, independent learners who care for themselves, each other, and the environment. Let's be brilliant, be bold, and be kind, and together we will believe, learn, and achieve.

Curriculum Intent:
At Marlborough St Mary's, we offer an engaging and active curriculum in Science. We make learning exciting through practical, cross-curricular activities that spark curiosity and build resilience. In a caring and inclusive environment, based on Christian values, we nurture creativity, imagination, and a love for learning. Our aim is to make children self-sufficient and lifelong learners, ready to take their place as global citizens.

Subject Intent:
Our Science teaching at Marlborough St Mary's encourages children to become inquiry-based learners. Through researching, modelling, investigating, and evaluating experiences, children learn to collaborate and discover the wonders of science. We aim to provide a high-quality science education that ignites curiosity and helps children recognise the importance of science in daily life.

Teachers ensure that all children experience high-quality teaching and exciting learning opportunities. We aim to create an environment where children feel excited and curious about natural phenomena, enabling them to present their ideas and enquiries with confidence and pride.

Subject Implementation:
We follow the National Curriculum Programs of Study within each year group. The curriculum is carefully mapped out, with cross-curricular links to enhance learning. We provide opportunities for collaborative and individual work, effective questioning, and making connections to real-life experiences. Enrichment activities, workshops, trips, and partnerships with other educational institutions enhance our curriculum.

Subject Impact:
Our assessment is ongoing and formative, helping us track and celebrate pupil progress. We record children's learning and evidence in their individual science books. Our assessment methods help us reflect on our teaching and adapt our curriculum to meet the needs of our students. Monitoring and evaluation are done through various methods, including pupil voice, planning and book reviews, and lesson observations.

At Marlborough St Mary's, we're committed to nurturing young scientists who are curious, confident, and excited to explore the wonders of science. Join us in this amazing journey of discovery and learning!